Sunday, February 6, 2011

Responsible Entities for Managed Investment Schemes

Responsible Entities for Managed Investment Schemes | investment

The concept of managed investment schemes was outlined in July 1998, by the Managed Investments Act (Cth)(Act), and has been defined as a scheme in which people contribute money to acquire interest to benefits produced by the scheme.

The contributions are used to further the scheme, and the members do not have control over the day to day operations.

The Managed Investments Act (Cth)(Act) replaces the old "prescribed interests" regime, and its most significant change is the replacement of the roles of trustee and manager with the single Responsible Entity role. The Act also introduced new measures to ensure adequate investor protection.

A managed investment scheme must be registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) if;
1. The scheme has 20 or more members; or
2. The scheme is promoted by a person who is in th
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Planning Your Business Future Requires Company Investments that Work

Planning Your Business Future Requires Company Investments that Work | investment

Today's economy is in transition. Investors are seeking new venues to explore and energize with capital. Emerging markets are a major factor in capital development. Today the United States has less than 50% of the world's capital investments. Current statistics place 70% of the world's population living in developing countries with 46% of the land mass and 31% of the GDP. Opportunities are in abundance for astute investors with a conservative attitude and approach.

Setting financial money investment goals is a critical first step in any financial plan, personal or business related. Many investment fund companies have a selection of products from annuities to fixed rate return investment packages; your goals will help you select the appropriate product or combination of products as well as rate of return. Next will be to select a reputable investment firm t
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Investment success is far from a sure thing. This site is solely intended for educational purposes. I am not a registered investment advisor and it is not my intention to provide anyone with investment advice. I am not recommending that any reader of this blog buy, sell, short, or engage in any other investment strategy based upon the content set forth herein. I strongly urge all readers to perform their own due diligence before investing and or trading their funds. I will not be responsible for any readers financial losses.